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Tips and Resources for Mastering the FRCR 2B Exam

Revise Radiology

Revise Radiology

September 10th, 2024

The FRCR 2B exam is known for its challenging nature, but with the right approach, you can significantly improve your chances of success. Dr Koshy Jacob and Dr Devpriyo Pal recently shared their insights on effective preparation strategies during a webinar. Here’s a summary of their key tips and recommended resources.

1. Strategy for Long Cases

When tackling long cases in the exam, Dr Pal suggests an effective strategy: skim through all the cases first, then start with the easiest ones. This approach allows you to "bank" time on simpler cases, which can be used later for more complex ones. By doing so, you ensure that you cover all cases within the allocated time, especially the ones that may offer easier marks.

2. Handling Principal vs. Differential Diagnoses

A common issue candidates face is mixing up principal and differential diagnoses. Dr Pal recommends expanding the differential diagnosis section by providing justifications for each possibility. Even if you get the principal diagnosis wrong, showing your thought process can still earn you valuable marks. The key is to demonstrate a clear, logical approach to your reasoning.

3. Developing a Systematic Approach for Viva Cases

For the Viva sessions, it’s essential to develop a systematic approach to analysing cases. Dr Pal advises that instead of jumping to a diagnosis immediately, start by noting the most significant findings. This step-by-step method helps in reducing the stress of getting everything right at once and allows you to focus on presenting your findings confidently. Over time, this approach will naturally lead you to the correct diagnosis.

4. Practicing Radiograph Interpretation

Radiographs form a significant portion of the FRCR 2B exam. Dr Pal suggests that candidates practice interpreting radiographs with a systematic approach. Familiarize yourself with common review areas and ensure that you follow the same process each time. This consistency will help you catch abnormalities that are likely to appear on the exam.

5. Preparation for Breast and Nuclear Medicine Cases

For those who lack experience in certain subspecialties like breast radiology or nuclear medicine, Dr Pal recommends focusing on case-based learning. Resources such as Radiopaedia and core textbooks like "Core Radiology" are invaluable for familiarizing yourself with these areas. Additionally, consider creating a review system or even a PowerPoint presentation that summarizes key points for quick revision in the weeks leading up to the exam.

6. Utilizing Question Banks and Study Groups

Question banks and study groups are excellent tools for exam preparation. Dr Pal emphasizes the importance of practicing with a variety of cases to expose yourself to as many scenarios as possible. This method not only helps in building your diagnostic skills but also improves your confidence when facing unfamiliar cases.

7. Time Management and Last-Minute Preparation

In the final weeks before the exam, focus on solidifying your Viva technique and ensuring that your time management skills are sharp. Dr Pal advises against spending too much time on long cases in this period; instead, concentrate on practicing Viva sessions and making sure you can handle rapid reporting efficiently.

8. Overcoming Anxiety and Building Confidence

Anxiety can be a significant hurdle during the FRCR 2B exam. Dr Pal suggests that candidates develop a clear, rehearsed pattern for their responses. By doing so, you can reduce the mental load during the exam and prevent anxiety from affecting your performance.


Preparing for the FRCR 2B exam requires a combination of strategic planning, consistent practice, and resourceful learning. By following the tips shared by Dr Koshy Jacob and Dr Devpriyo Pal, you can optimize your revision process and approach the exam with greater confidence. Remember, the key is not just hard work, but smart work—focusing on the areas that will give you the most significant returns on exam day.

For a comprehensive preparation experience, consider using resources like Revise Radiology’s question banks, study groups, and review materials. Good luck with your exam preparation!

Interested in our FRCR 2B resources? Check it out here